

 Community: Hrušov
Obecný úrad Hrušov, č. 526, 991 42 Hrušov
Region: Banskobystrický kraj
Distirct: Veľký Krtíš


Tel.: +421474880122

Working hours

MO 09:00-12:00 12:30-15:00
TU 07:45-12:00 12:30-15:00
WE 07:45-12:00 12:30-15:00
TH 07:45-12:00 12:30-15:00
FR ------


Ing. Mária Augustínová


Primary constitution and competencies

The community of Hrusov is an independent territorial, self-administrative and administrative unit of the Slovak republic. It unifies the citizens having permanent residence in its territory. The village of Hrusov represents a legal entity which, within the boundaries of the law, makes decisions independently and performs all acts related to administration of its own property and own incomes. Care of the universal development of the territory and the needs of the citizens is the primary task of the municipality.

The municipal authority acts as the municipal board as well as the community mayor. It handles organisational and administrative requirements of the municipal board and the mayor and other authorities established by the municipal board.

Source: Act of the Slovak National Council no.369/1990 Coll. on community establishment as amended by subsequent regulations.

The main competencies follow: local roads, public areas, vegetation, cleanness, preservation of nature and the environment, water-resources management, garbage collection, regional planning, local development, accommodation, pre-school and school institutions, social institutions, culture, approval of documents, certain violations, local police, collection of local taxes and fees, participation at regional development.

Where appropriate, municipalities are entitled to act on behalf of the state in selected aspects according to the Act 416/2001. These areas include: area of architectural and construction rules and some competencies in education. These tasks are executed on behalf of the government with government being responsible for execution and quality of these services as well as their financing. Municipality of Hrusov receives financial resources related to these areas of additional entitlement on behalf of the government for these purposes: recording of the citizen count and register of inhabitants of the Slovak republic (Ministry of Internal Affairs of SR), environment preservation and protection, protection of the climate (Ministry of the Environment of SR), execution of specific construction department for local public works and roads, construction rules and social help.

The municipal board and the community mayor are two authorities of Hrusov. When necessary, the municipal board may establish or withdraw permanent or temporary control and executive bodies and defines the scope of their operation.